Software Engineer

Enrique received his BSc degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of the West Indies in 2021, with specializations in Electronic Systems and Computer Systems Engineering. Some of his past projects include a diagnostic system for an IoT based embedded system, and corresponding mobile application for visualization of diagnostic information. At Virtana, Enrique has worked on calibrating depth cameras and robotic arms.  Enrique enjoys chess, video games and astronomy and is passionate about robotics, computer vision and machine learning. Being employed at Virtana has provided him valuable opportunities to advance his knowledge of software engineering, embedded systems and robotics.

Past Projects:

  • Calibration

    • Contributed to the development of a system to calibrate static and robot mounted cameras. (OpenCV, Python, Scipy, Numpy)

    • Created a visualization tool to improve data collected for calibrations by assisting with configuring robots and positioning apriltags. (OpenCV, Python)

  • Perception

    • Developed a system for calculating and publishing depth camera calibration metrics at set intervals. (Golang)

  • Embedded Software

    • Developed a system for an IoT enabled ESP32 based embedded system to publish diagnostic information over Bluetooth. (ESP32, FreeRTOS, Bluetooth Low Energy)

    • Incorporated Apriltag detection on an ESP-EYE development board with automated uploading of detection metadata to an AWS database. (ESP32, FreeRTOS, AWS DynamoDB, AWS Lambda)

  • App Front End

    • Developed a mobile application to receive and visualize diagnostic information from an IoT enabled mobile device over Bluetooth (Flutter, Bluetooth Low Energy)