Software Engineer

Emilo is a MS student at Georgia Institute of Technology, specializing in Machine Learning and Computing Systems. He also received his BSc. in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of the West Indies. Emilo is a hardworking individual with a constant desire to learn; he is always trying to improve his skills and expand his knowledge. 

Emilo has taken a particular interest in the field of machine learning and hopes to one day use these skills to benefit his community and country. In his free time, Emilo loves playing sports and hanging out with his friends; he is a former national cricketer that has traveled worldwide plying his trade.

Emilo has been at Virtana for over two years and has had significant impacts on the design and architecture of a full stack IoT project. He has also been a part of a team that aided in the rapid prototyping of hardware sensors to meet a client's need. Emilo is also very active in advocating for employee's health and wellbeing, having planned and hosted several company activities.

Past Projects:

  • Software Infra

    • Instrumental in the full-stack design and architecture of an embedded IoT pharmaceutical product

  • App Front End

    • Developed a portable web app for surfacing and visualizing temporal IoT sensor data (2021, React, Javascript, GraphQL)

  • Embedded Software

    • Developed a novel algorithm that increased the accuracy of cheap hardware sensors (2021, FreeRTOS, ESP32/ESP-IDF, signal processing, linear algebra)

  • Dev Ops

    • Led the deployment of the continuous integration pipelines for a full stack IoT product.  (2021, AWS Amplify, Cypress, Github Actions)

  • Web backend

    • Developed a cloud backend solution for the processing & management of sensor data from a fleet of IoT sensors. (AWS IoT Core, AWS Amplify, AWS Lambda, AWS Cognito, AWS DynamoDB, AWS CloudWatch, Node.js, JavaScript)